If you are eligible, we can help reduce your monthly water and/or wastewater charges with a credit on your monthly bill

The Water Resources department's Hardship/Affordability Assistance Discount is an assistance program that can help eligible account holders reduce their base facility charges.

The discounts apply to the base facility charges and is equal to $2.50 per month for water service and/or $2.50 per month for wastewater service, totaling up to a $5 credit for each month of eligibility.


You must apply for the program, submit all required supporting documentation, and meet all criteria listed below:

  • As the applicant, your name must be on the the Water Resource account
  • The service address must be an individually metered single-family residence and the primary residence. Master-metered residential service or commercial services are not eligible.
  • You can't request more than one discount
  • We will determine eligibility based on the Social Services department's criteria used to determine the annual income of the household residing at the service address and also upon the most recent U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Poverty Guidelines published in the Federal Register
  • Must maintain a current account balance and not have unauthorized use of service

Applicants will be asked the following questions to determine eligibility:

  1. Are you a Hillsborough County Water Resources account holder
  2. Is the service address an individually metered single family resident
  3. How many people live in the household
  4. What is your household’s adjusted gross income (as listed on your 1040)
  5. Do you have your most current Water Resource Services bill statement

Things to consider

  • To apply for the hardship affordability discount program, you must submit all required information in the online application
  • Required documents to apply:
    • Social Security number verification for each household member
    • Identification for all members of the household - copy of valid, non-expired ID for all adult household members, including yourself; copy of birth certificate, school records, or immunizations records for all minor household members
    • Copy of your current Federal income tax return to verify household income (Form 1040 – both pages)
    • Electronic copy of most current Water Resource Services bill statement
    • Additional requirements may be necessary for eligibility determination depending on each household situation
  • We will consider all eligible applicants who apply for the hardship affordability discount program provided they submit all required documents
  • Approval from the County is required to receive discount
  • Must reapply every year

How to apply

  1. Gather all necessary documentation (see required documents list in Things to consider above)
  2. Apply online for the program

What's next

  • Water Resources or Social Services will send an approval letter/notification to eligible applicants
  • Every year, we will notify current participants 60 days prior to expiration to reapply for the program

Get help

Department: Water Resources
Email: wrscc@hcfl.gov
Phone: (813) 307-1000

Last Modified: 2/6/2024, 5:48:02 PM

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