How to help kids and teens cope with anxiety and other feelings linked to social media and technology

Adults aren't the only ones who suffer from mental health issues and anxiety. Children and teens are exposed to the same mental health crisis triggers - sometimes more often than adults due to the extent of their technology and social media access. But children and teens don't always have the tools or the language to properly address the issues they are facing.

Here are a few signs that your child or teen may be struggling with their mental health, courtesy of Mindful Mondays partner Crisis Center of Tampa Bay:

  • Sleeping habits change - oversleeping or not sleeping enough
  • Eating habits change - overeating or not eating enough
  • No longer engaging in their favorite activities
  • Hygiene habits change

Learn from the Crisis Center on ways parents and adults can assist children and teens manage anxiety and overwhelming feelings that they may not be able to handle themselves.

Last Modified: 7/18/2024, 1:29:26 PM

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