Hillsborough County Solid Waste invites local students in grades 3 through 12 to participate in the Recycling & Waste Reduction Art Contest!
2024 Art Contest Winners
Students are encouraged to express their creativity and desire to protect and preserve the environment by participating in the annual Waste Reduction & Recycling Art Contest. Each year, students can create an original piece of artwork inspired by the annual theme and submit it for judging. See the IDEAS section below for inspiration and information on waste reduction and recycling.
"Small Acts, Big Impact" – Show how everyday choices help reduce waste at home and in your community.
Rules and eligibility
Submitted artwork must be created solely by the student and be entirely original. Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs are not acceptable to create or assist in making any art piece submission type.
Open to students entering 3rd through 12th grade. Must be attending an Elementary, Middle, or High School or are home-schooled within Hillsborough County to be eligible.
Do not include your name, age, grade, or school on the artwork—this information should only be provided in the submission form.
Submission deadline
All submissions must be received by 11:59 PM, November 30, 2025.
Hillsborough County staff will judge submissions. Three winners will be selected, one from each range: 3rd grade through 5th grade; 6th grade through 8th grade; and 9th grade through 12th grade.
Winners will be selected in January and receive countywide recognition and waste reduction-themed prizes. A recognition event will be held in February.
Submission types
Types are subject to change by contest.
- Drawing - Submit a drawing using any drawing tools, including digital tools, such as Photoshop
- Collage - Submit a collage using drawings, photographs, and/or other materials
Other types of submissions will not be considered for judging.
Upload submission
Submit online by completing the Waste Reduction & Recycling Art Contest Form.
Please contact the Waste Reduction & Recycling Team at Recycling@HCFL.gov.
Create art pieces about organizing litter cleanups, food or clothing donation drives, removing ocean plastics to protect animals and nature, composting food waste, community gardening, how to reduce food waste at home, using reusable items such as a water bottle and bag, teaching recycling rules such as no plastic bags in recycling, saying NO to plastic when you go out (plastic bags, straws, and utensils). Learn more from Hillsborough County's waste reduction and recycling programs.