Senior citizen discounts for trash service and accessory dwelling exemptions are available for qualified individuals

We offer a senior citizen (65+) discount for trash service for the annual solid waste disposal assessment on your property taxes.

If your property is billed for an accessory dwelling, we also offer an exemption for additional collection/disposal charges for seniors and people over 18 with a disability.

This assessment fee is included as part of your annual property tax bill, which is mailed to you on November 1 each year.


  • Lowers your annual fee for trash service
    • Senior discount single-family homes - lowering the disposal rate cost to $120.41 from $180.19 for the annual bill, which is a 33% discount or $59.78
    • Senior discount in condominiums - lowering the disposal rate to $75.92 from $116.12 for the annual bill, which is a 35% discount or $40.20
  • 2nd unit exemption (accessory dwelling) - total solid waste assessment removal for the 2nd unit if a senior citizen or person over 18 with a certified disability lives in the accessory dwelling
  • Visit the Trash & Recycling Fees page to see current regular and discounted fees

Discounts and exemptions available

We offer one discount and two exemptions.

Senior citizens solid waste discount

  • Only one solid waste senior citizen discount per single family residential household
    • If you are a senior citizen and also have an eligible accessory dwelling, you may qualify for both the senior discount and the accessory dwelling exemption
  • At least 65 years of age by January of the following calendar year
  • Own and live in the single residential unit you list on your senior citizen discount application - Your name must appear on your annual tax bill
  • Located within our solid waste service area
  • Apply on or before July 31 of the current calendar year - Application found in the "How to apply" section
  • There is no requirement to reapply annually for the discount unless you move to another home or condo within the County's solid waste area
    • Note: The deadline application for the 2025 tax bill, delivered in November, has been extended to Oct. 1, 2024

Accessory dwelling exemption for seniors

  • The primary dwelling must be homesteaded by the applicant
  • Eligibility requirements for the accessory dwelling:
    • Must be occupied by a natural or adoptive parent, grandparent, great grandparent of one of the parcel owner(s)
    • The occupant must be 65 years of age or older and must obtain from a physician a certificate stating that such occupant has a disability requiring assistance with daily living activities
    • Must be separate from the single family residence and not greater than 900 square feet unless a variance is approved
  • Apply on or before July 31 of the current calendar year - Application found in the "How to apply" section
    • Note: The deadline application for the 2025 tax bill, delivered in November, has been extended to Oct. 1, 2024

Accessory dwelling exemption for those with a disability

  • The primary dwelling must be homesteaded by the applicant
  • Eligibility requirements for the accessory dwelling:
    • Must be occupied by a natural or adoptive parent, grandparent, great grandparent, child, stepchild, grandchild or sibling of one of the parcel owner(s)
    • The occupant must be 18 years of age or older and must obtain from a physician a certificate stating that such occupant has a disability requiring assistance with daily living activities
    • Must be separate from the single family residence and not greater than 900 square feet unless a variance is approved
  • Apply on or before July 31 of the current calendar year - Application found in the "How to apply" section
    • Note: The deadline application for the 2025 tax bill, delivered in November, has been extended to Oct. 1, 2024

Things to consider

  • Once approved,  in November you will see the reduced fee on your property tax bill as a non-ad valorem assessment
  • Renewals are as follows:
    • Senior Citizens discount - you do not have to apply again unless you move, sell your home, or change the status of the ownership or occupancy of your home 
    • Accessory Dwelling exemption - you must apply annually to renew the discount
  • We reserve the right to randomly audit all discount and exemption applications

Before you apply

Gather the following information:

  • Property folio number from the current tax bill
  • Driver license or state ID number - if not issued by the state of Florida, you will need to upload a copy of the license or ID (for the Senior Citizen's Discount application only)
  • Occupant information for accessory dwelling (for Accessory Dwelling Exemption application only)
  • Physician certification disability status (for Disability application for accessory dwelling only)

How to apply

Complete the appropriate application:

Senior citizens

Accessory dwelling (no disability)

Accessory dwelling (with disability)

For disability exemptions - You must print out the form and bring it to your doctor to fill in the Physician Certification section, then you can submit the from via email or mail.

For all forms - You can submit via email or regular mail

  • Submit by email to
  • Submit by mail to:
    Hillsborough County Solid Waste Management
    Attention: Francene Ross Lewis (Solid Waste Assessments)
    P.O. Box 89637
    Tampa, FL 33689-0410


Get help

Department: Solid Waste Services Email: Phone: (813) 272-5680

Last Modified: 9/17/2024, 1:08:52 PM

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