Customers with a disability may apply to receive backdoor trash collection service at no charge

If you are physically unable to place your garbage or recycling roll carts curbside for collection, you may be eligible for for disability back door service. You must apply for the program to see if you qualify.


  • A licensed healthcare provider must verify your disability on the application form
  • Verify that you are unable to deliver your own solid waste to the curbside
  • Verify that there are no individuals twelve (12) years of age or older who resides in your residence that can deliver the solid waste to the curbside


There is no charge for this service.

How to apply

  1. Download and fill out the certification application 
    • Your health care provider must fill out and sign their part of the form, and you will fill out the rest
  2. Mail or email the signed application, health care and customer certifications to
    Hillsborough County Public Utilities Department
    Attention: Francene Ross-Lewis (Solid Waste Assessments)
    P.O. Box 89637
    Tampa, FL 33689

Get help

Department: Solid Waste Services
Phone: (813) 272-5680

Last Modified: 11/22/2023, 5:50:39 PM

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