Search records for plans, applications and permit files

Note: Records created in HillsGovHub will not appear in PGM search results. You can search for those records on the HillsGovHub portal.

Accessing rezoning plans and permit documents & records (PGM Store)

Use the following to access the PGM Store:

  • User ID: public
  • Password: public
  • Leave the server option as optix

If you need help, view the PGM store tutorial.

Enter the PGM Store

Instructions to determine if a record is exempt

  1. Look up the folio number or address on the property appraiser's website
    • If your search does not return a result, it may mean that the record is exempt due to the employments status of an associated person
    • If your search does return a result, the records may still be exempt due to the building type
    • In each of these scenarios, the exemption status of a record can be verified through Optix.

  2. Go to the Optix page, log in using the public username and search for the record
    • If you received no result previously from the Property Appraiser's website and are unable to locate a result in Optix, then the record is likely exempt due to employment status
    • If you previously found a result on the Property Appraiser's website but are unable to locate a result in Optix, then the record is likely exempt due to the building type
    • If you found a result on both the Property Appraiser's site and Optix, the record is not exempt
  3. If the record is deemed exempt, you may contact Development Services to learn about the proper procedure for obtaining exempt information

If you have questions regarding these procedures, please call (813) 272-5600.

What do I need to know before I use the PGM Store?

  • Download a tutorial on how to use the PGM Store
  • Turn pop-up blockers off before entering the PGM store login page
  • For additional assistance, please call (813) 272-5600
  • Recommended Minimum Configuration for Optimal Performance:
    • Windows Hardware: Pentium 800 MHz, 256 MB RAM 
    • Operating System: Windows XP 
    • Browsers: Internet Explorer 6 or greater 

Last Modified: 3/10/2025, 12:42:11 PM

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