Follow these steps to transfer an existing permit to a new contractor

In the event an existing permit must be transferred from the primary contractor, please follow the steps outlined below.

  • Sign in to HillsGovHub. You must register an account if you haven’t done so already.
  • Complete the appropriate form:
  • Return to HillsGovHub. Search and open the permit record. You can also find it by selecting ‘My Records’.
  • Upload the documents. First, open the record and select ‘Record Info’ then select ‘Attachments’.
  • Select ‘Add’ in the Attachment section to add required documents.
  • Select ‘Add’, ‘Browse for file’, choose your completed Contractor Change form and select ‘Open’.
  • Select ‘Continue’ once the file upload is complete.
  • Select the document type from the drop-down list. For this instance, select ‘Contractor Change Form’. Then select Save.

Please note that the change of contractor fee is $50. The fees will be added once the change has been accepted.

If no work has been completed you may request the cancellation of the permit.

If you require additional assistance, please email or call (813) 272-5600.

Last Modified: 7/9/2024, 4:31:21 PM

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