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Most open fires need an open fire permit

  • For camp fires, bon fires, ceremonial fires, and religious fires, use the form on this page
  • For clearing land for construction or agricultural reasons, check the open burning restrictions page to see which agency you need to contact (EPC or Florida Forest Service) to obtain a permit.
  • For small pit fires, no permit is required, but you must follow these rules:
    • Burn only clean, dry wood
    • Have the pit a minimum of 25 feet from any structure
    • Use only for keeping warm or cooking


Free - There are no fees from the Fire Marshal's office for an open burn permit.

Things to consider

  • A detailed site plan required with the application
    • Proposed location of the open fire site
    • The distance (in feet) of open fire in relation to any structures and vegetation in the area
    • Note location and type of extinguishing equipment
  • Fire must be located more than 50 feet from any structure
  • Prior to ignition you must eliminate any conditions that could cause a fire to spread within 25 feet of a structure
  • A competent person of legal age must constantly attend to all fires until they are extinguished
    • They must have a garden hose connected to the water supply or other fire-extinguishing equipment readily available for use
  • You can’t burn material that produces toxic or harmful gases, such as plastic or rubber product
    • In addition, you can’t burn trash and/or yard waste
  • Your open fire is limited to 4 feet wide by 4 feet long by 5 feet high
  • The The Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) can advise you to immediately extinguish the fire if they determine the smoke or fire is a nuisance or a hazard.
  • Only clean wood or charcoal may be used for burning
  • Permits may be revoked if a burn ban is issued by the County
  • You MUST notify fire dispatch at (813) 272-6653 on the day of the burn

How to

What's next

  1. Turn in the permit application at five business days prior to your open fire 
  2. We will process the application
  3. An inspector will come out and inspect the proposed open fire site
  4. If approved,the inspector will issue you the permit at the conclusion of the inspection

Get help

Department: Fire Rescue - Fire Marshal's Office
Phone: (813) 744-5541

Last Modified: 2/6/2024, 6:12:20 PM

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