Alcoholic Beverage Permits are required to sell alcoholic beverages at a restaurant, bar, or other business

You will need an Alcoholic Beverage Permit to sell alcoholic beverages at a restaurant, bar or other business. If your location meets all normal requirements of the Land Development Code with the exception of the proximity requirements, you can apply for a waiver from our zoning unit.


View a list of zoning fees

Things to consider

How to

What's next

  1. Within 15 business days after the hearing we will notify you of the Land Use Hearing Officer decision
  2. If granted, you can move forward with your project
  3. If denied, you can appeal the Land Use Hearing Officer’s decision to the Land Use Appeals Board
    • You must file your appeal within 30 calendar days of the decision
    • Appeal fee is $202


Get help

Department: Development Services
Phone: (813) 272-5600

Last Modified: 2/1/2024, 7:36:32 PM

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