Apply to make a personal appearance to make minor modifications to your already approved planned development

If you need to make minor modifications to your already approved planned development, you can apply to make a Personal Appearance.


To view what qualifies as a Minor Modification, please see the Land Development Code section 5.03.07


Things to consider

  • You need to meet all requirements listed on the submittal checklist
  • We will not accept incomplete applications
  • These are for minor modifications only; if you have a major modification, you will need to go through the Zoning Hearing Master
  • If your Vested Rights have expired, you must seek permission from the Board of County Commissioners to apply for an extension. You must complete a non-noticed PRS application.
  • For questions, please email

How to

  • Files must be in pdf format and minimum resolution of 300 dpi.
  • If the total size of your files is under 25 MB, please email them to
  • If the total size of your files is greater than 25 MB or you are having difficulty sending them via email, please upload your documents. Highlight all files to be submitted and compress them into a single .zip file. Please ensure you label this file with the folio number. If you need assistance creating a .zip file. A visual guide on creating a zip file and uploading your documents is available.
  • For Noticed Applications requiring a public hearing: Once payment is received, you will receive your required letter of notice, HOA mailing list and instructions about how to proceed with mailing your notice. Mailing deadlines and delivery of electronic delivery of proof of mailing will also be provided.
  • For Administrative Applications (Non-noticed Applications): Once payment is received, it will be assigned to a planner for review.

What's next

For noticed applications, after the hearing you will receive the decision by email.


Get help

Department: Development Services
Phone: (813) 277-1630

Last Modified: 2/28/2024, 3:33:23 PM

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