View the list of approved ornamental tree species you can plant in Hillsborough County

If you want to plant new ornamental trees or replace ornamental trees you are removing, view the list of the approved species you can plant in Hillsborough County.

These trees generally obtain a mature height of 15 - 25 feet.

Characteristics legend

  • F - Flowering

  • E - Evergreen

  • D - Deciduous sheds leaves annually

  • N - Native

  • M - Permitted for use in a designated area within Hillsborough County only. View map for details.

  • P - In a landscape environment, 3 palms must be planted in a cluster to credit as one tree

The view information links are for sheets or web pages on the tree, which includes pictures and/or illustrations of the trees .

Common name: Bottlebrush

Common name: Crape Myrtle

  • Scientific name: Lagerstroemia indica) Single Trunk, Standard

  • Characterstics: F, D

  • Scientific name: Lagerstroemia indica) Multi-Trunk

  • Characterstics: F, D

  • View information for Crape Myrtle

Common name: Cypress, Bald

Common name: Cypress, Pond

Common name: Dogwood, Flowering

Common name: Elm, Lacebark

Common name: Fringe Tree

Common name: Holly, American

Common name: Holly, Dahoon

Common name: Holly, Topal (East Palatka, Eagleston)

Common name: Holly, Yaupon

Common name: Japanese Blueberry

Common name: Jerusalem Thorn

Common name: Leland Cypress

Common name: Ligustrum (tree form)

Common name: Loblolly Bay

Common name: Loquat

Common name: Magnolia, Southern

Common name: Oak, Myrtle

Common name: Olive, European

Common name: Palms, Date (Medjool, Canary Island Date)

Common name: Palm, Bismarck

Common name: Palm, Foxtail

Common name: Palm, Mule

Common name: Palm, Ribbon

Common name: Palm, Royal

Common name: Palm, Sabal

Common name: Palm, Washington

Common name: Plum, Chickasaw

Common name: Plum, Flatwoods

Common name: Podocarpus

Common name: Podocarpus, Nagi

Common name: Redbud

Common name: River Birch

Common name: Southern Red Cedar

Common name: Southern Wax Myrtle

Common name: Sparkleberry

Common name: Summer Haw



If you have Natural Resource questions that are not answered here, submit a Natural Resources Inquiry or call the Natural Resource Unit at (813) 272-5600.

Last Modified: 6/13/2024, 6:52:28 PM

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