The Code Enforcement Community Outreach team works to help homeowners with code violations improve their properties and avoid citations and fines

The Code Enforcement Community Outreach team works with local charitable organizations and businesses to help homeowners with code violations improve their properties and avoid citations and fines.

How it works

After a suspected code violation complaint is received, the Code Enforcement officer assigned to the case visits the home identified in the complaint and makes contact with the homeowner. The officer then determines whether the violation is due to a hardship, such as a medical setback, financial issue, or other qualifying circumstance. If the violation is identified as a hardship case, the officer contacts the Community Outreach team to assist. Hardship cases involving a veteran are referred to the Operation Code Vet program.

Once the case is assigned to Community Outreach, they get to work determining how best to get the property up to code. They work with community partners, businesses, and volunteers to get the materials and labor needed to complete the work needed on the home.

After the work is complete, the Community Outreach Code Enforcement officer returns to the property to ensure that the work was done properly, and then the case is closed.

How you can help

Have a neighbor in need? Check with them to see how you can help! Helping neighbors in need is a great way to build community and keep your neighborhood clean, safe, and beautiful.

Volunteer with Community Outreach. Volunteers are needed for home improvement projects throughout the year. Complete the online application to register as a volunteer and receive information about volunteer opportunities.

Contact us

For more information about Community Outreach, email or call (813) 625-5753.

Last Modified: 4/10/2024, 2:06:40 PM

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