Adopt, foster, lost and found dogs and cats, animal control, pet-related ordinances
In an abundance of caution due to a canine pneumovirus outbreak, the Pet Resource Center will pause dog intakes starting Wednesday, March 12. While dog intakes are paused, the Pet Resource Center will remain open for dog and cat adoptions, rescue groups and fosters assisting with cats and adoptions, and volunteers. Owners can also reclaim lost dogs during this time. Dogs that are adopted while symptomatic will be sent home with medications as needed. If you are unable to care for a symptomatic dog, PRC will hold the dog until the shutdown has ended. Dogs that are not symptomatic but leaving with an adopter, rescue, or foster will be given a prescription for medication if they eventually show symptoms of canine pneumovirus.
The Pet Resources department and the Animal Control division of Code Enforement work for the health and safety of animals and pets.