How to get an easement access review

If your property is in an unincorporated area and doesn’t front on a publicly owned and maintained road right-of-way, we require you to provide, or obtain, an easement from a County owned and maintained right-of-way to your lot or tract of land.


Visit the Site and Subdivision Fees page for a full list of fees.

Things to consider

All easements must be recorded in the Clerk’s Office.

Before we will issue any permits:

  • You must provide a copy of the easement access agreement (approval letter) to the Building Department
  • Your lot or parcel has a recorded easement of 15 feet recorded prior to July 11, 1986
  • This ensures that the easement legally connects the lot or parcel to a County owned and maintained road right-of-way
  • We will allow the 15 feet for an easement, as recorded

You will also need an easement access review if:

  • Your lot or parcel fronts on a County owned, but not maintained road right-of-way
  • This ensures sufficient ingress and egress for fire trucks, ambulances, police cars and other emergency vehicles

How to

  1. Complete the application
  2. Submit your completed package by Email

Incomplete submittals will be rejected

What's next

  • If there are no problems with your application, we will render a decision within 20 working days after you filed it
    • If denied, you can appeal this to the Board of County Commissioners
    • You must file your appeal with the Development Services Department within 30 days of our decision


Get help

Department: Development Services - Site & Sub
Phone: (813) 272-5600

Last Modified: 7/15/2024, 8:18:37 PM

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