How to apply to have your parcel certified

If you need to make sure your lot is in compliance and legal to build on according to the Land Development Code (LDC), or if you want to split your lot into one additional lot, you will need to apply to have your parcel certified.


Visit the Site and Subdivision Fees page for a complete list of fees.

Things to consider

If you need more than one lot split, you’ll need to go through the formal subdivision review process.

In order for us to certify your parcel, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Size is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and zoning requirements
  • Sized to meet one of the utility options below:
    • Provide water and sewer connection
    • One-half acre for septic tanks
    • One full acre for septic tanks within the well field protection area
  • Provide us with legal access

How to

  1. Complete the printable or fillable application
  2. Request a submittal appointment with the Site & Subdivision team
  3. Ensure that you have all required files labeled with the Folio number and name of the project
    • Files must be in pdf format and contained within a single .zip file. If you need assistance creating a .zip file, a visual guide is available.
    • Files with digital signatures must follow Florida Statues Chapter 668 - Electronic Commerce and Florida Administrative Code for Engineers and Architects
  4. 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment, staff will email you a link to upload your files. A visual guide on creating a .zip file and uploading your documents is available.
    • Our intake staff will review your submission and notify you if there are any missing/incorrect items

What's next

  • Within 11 days of the filing of the application, we will approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application
    • You will receive an approval letter if approved
    • If the application is denied, you will need to resubmit it addressing any comments indicating why it was denied 


Get help

Department: Development Services
Phone: (813) 272-5600

Last Modified: 5/1/2024, 7:06:59 PM

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