You may petition the BOCC to vacate the public’s interest in certain property rights
Petition to Vacate
For more information on a vacating project in your area, contact Facilities Management & Real Estate Services.
Types of Petitions to Vacate
- Vacation of Right-of-Way
- Vacation of Easement
- Vacation of Platted Subdivision or Portion Thereof
- The total fee to process a vacating petition is $664.10
- Initial filing fee of $414.10
- Remaining balance of $250 due prior to scheduling of public hearing
- All fees are nonrefundable and shall be tendered by check
- Checks are made payable to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC)
Pre-application to vacate
- While a pre-application to vacate from is not mandatory, all petitioners are strongly encouraged to complete the pre-application process
- During the pre-application review process, real estate staff will review administrative records to verify the County’s interest in the proposed vacate area and research prior vacating before you pay any fees required to file a vacating application
- There is no charge for this pre-application review
- Complete the Pre-Application to Vacate Form using either form below
- Email completed Pre-Application forms to
How to apply for a petition to vacate
Review the information contained within the Vacating Petition Information Packet and submit the completed petition via email along with all of the required documentation to
- The application packet contains general requirements for the overall process, requirements for each type of request and checklists
- If you have a hardship situation which prevents you from submitting the application electronically, speak with the vacating team to make arrangements for assistance or to answer any questions, (813) 272-5810
What's next
- Upon determination that the vacating application is complete and sufficient, the petition is circulated to internal and external reviewing agencies for review and comment
- The petitioner will be notified of any reviewer objections or conditions placed upon the vacating request
- It is the petitioner’s responsibility to address and/or resolve all objections prior to the petition being scheduled for public hearing
Get help
Department: Facilities Management & Real Estate Services
Phone: (813) 272-5810