Come to an ELAPP meeting and join the general committee and learn about other committees

General committee

  • Consists of any individual with an interest in preserving the natural areas of Hillsborough County
  • Membership is voluntary and attained through attending committee meetings


  • To vote you must attend three of the last six meetings, unless a charter member
    • A charter member is defined as having attended at least 10 meetings in the last five years
  • We will maintain a list of General Committee members from meeting sign-in sheets
  • The sign-in sheets will identify those in attendance as members, interested parties, and staff
  • County staff and interested parties may provide information as requested by committee members and participate as nonvoting members


  • The ELAPP General Committee will meet a minimum of two times a year
  • Additional meetings will be scheduled as needed based upon critical issues
  • Members will have an opportunity at each meeting to address the committee on current issues or concerns
  • Critical or controversial issues will be referred to subcommittee for review and research, and then brought back before the full committee for discussion and approval

Site assessment team

  • Will objectively gather information and assess nominated environmental land sites utilizing the preliminary assessment proceedings and the site assessment procedures established
  • Produce preliminary and full site assessment reports

Team will consists of:

  • Citizens-at-large (3) - Must demonstrate an interest in natural resource related environmental issues by active participation in local issues related to the environment.
  • Environmental biologist / CELM department (2 each) - At least two years experience working in the field of natural resource management and to have a B.S. degree in a related field.
  • Environmental regulatory agency representative (1) - A background in the natural sciences with experience in the field of environmental regulation.
  • Southwest Florida Water Management District representative (1) - Surface Water Improvement Management Improvement, SWFWMD-SWIM.
  • Senior Park Manager (CELM Department) - At least two years experience in managing a large natural resource oriented public facility and resource-based recreation area.
  • Representatives from the three municipalities in Hillsborough County
    • A background in botany, forestry, or plant ecology, with experience in a related field
    • City of Tampa (2)
    • City of Temple Terrace (1)
    • City of Plant City (1)

Site selection committee

Objectively evaluates and prioritizes nominated environmental land sites by utilizing the qualification and evaluation criteria in conjunction with assessment reports from the Site Assessment Team.

Consists of nine members selected from the following criteria, with consideration to geographic distribution, electing a chair on an annual basis:

  • Citizens-at-large - Proven interests in the preservation of natural resources which have been demonstrated by outstanding individual effort.
  • Naturalist - A professional in the field of environmental biology with at least a master’s degree in a related field. Must be a Parks, Recon & Conservation board member.
  • Local environmental group representative - Member of a group or groups, such as Tampa Audubon Society, Tampa Bay Sierra Club, Florida Native Plant Society, or The Nature Conservancy.
  • Local government representative - Experienced in public acquisition of environmentally sensitive lands and in development of those lands for resource-based recreation.
  • Business community representative - Proven interest in the preservation of natural resources and demonstrated a balanced understating of economic values and natural resource conservation values

Site review team

  • Members utilize factors affecting acquisition criteria and site assessment reports to assist the Site Selection Team's efforts
  • The General Committee will review and appoint members on an as needed basis.
  • Consists of individuals in government with expertise necessary to review site assessments and provide information essential to properly evaluate the feasibility of site acquisition
    • County and Municipal Attorney’s Offices representative
    • County and Municipal Parks, Recreation and Conservation Departments representative
    • County and Municipal Planning and Growth Management Departments representative
    • County and Municipal Real Estate Departments representative
    • Hillsborough County City - County Planning Commission representative
    • Southwest Florida Water Management District - Land Resources Department representative

Site management team

  • Assists with development of Management Plans for each site acquired or protected through ELAPP
  • Members provide insight on issues such as public access, passive recreational use, exotic species control, trail development, and restoration activities
  • This is a volunteer subcommittee of the ELAPP General Committee and open to those who wish to participate
  • Ideally, there are approximately 15 members
  • This team will develop the criteria to determine if a site is appropriate for public use, and meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis
Last Modified: 8/26/2024, 6:39:09 PM

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