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Find out about the Jan K. Platt Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program (ELAPP)

We manage more than 63,400 acres of environmentally sensitive wildlife habitat and corridors acquired through the ELAPP.

Management responsibilities include:

  • Prescribed burning
  • Invasive species control
  • Wildlife inventory
  • Trail maintenance
  • Feral animal control
  • Habitat improvements for endangered and threatened species of plants and animals

ELAPP is a voluntary program established for the purpose of providing the process and funding for identifying, acquiring, preserving, and protecting endangered, environmentally sensitive and significant lands in Hillsborough County.

It is a citizen-based program with volunteer committees involved in every key aspect of the program.

ELAPP is not a regulatory program, but lands are identified for the program because of their environmental significance.

ELAPP brochure

ELAPP timeline

  • January 1987
    • The Board of County Commissioners approved an Environmentally-Sensitive Lands Ordinance, which provided $21 million over a four-year period to acquire environmentally-sensitive lands
  • 1990
    • County voters approved the issuance of up to $100 million in bonds over a 20-year period to acquire additional lands
  • November 2008
    • Voters approved the issuance of up to $200 million in bonds

Find Nature Preserves

ELAPP Nature Preserve Maps

Special Sites
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Essential Sites: Sites 1 - 5
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Important Sites: Sites 6 - 15
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Desirable Sites: Sites 16 - 26
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Acquired & Substantially Acquired Parcels
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For more information on ELAPP or how to nominate a site call (813) 672-7876. 

Last Modified: 12/14/2023, 9:21:18 PM

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