A guide for obtaining permits for all new mobile home installations on a new lot in a park
Following these guidelines will help ensure the application, plans and supporting documentation are complete and sufficient for permit submittal which will ensure a timely review and response.
Intake requirements
Use the following requirements to obtain a permit for setting up a mobile home in a park.
Apply online at HillsGovHub.
Required documents for application submittal
- Foundation Plan showing blocking and tie-downs
- Floorplan- including HUD Label Tag (Format XXX123456)
- Site Plan including:
- Location of the proposed scope of work and all existing structures on the parcel
- Property boundaries with lot dimensions
- Property legal description
- Base Flood Elevation(s)
- Finished floor elevations
- Vertical datum reference If NGVD1929 datum is being utilized, the datum conversion factor must be provided
- Required front, side and rear yard setbacks from all structures to all property boundary lines
- Maximum building height
- Street location name(s)
- North arrow
- Must identify all easements, floodplain, any environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, conservation, preservation and/or the wetland setback lines and Significant Wildlife Habitat)
- Indicate driveway to home and type of driveway construction (i.e., concrete, asphalt, paver bricks, grass)
- Location of Mechanical equipment (i.e., air conditioning units, pumps, heating equipment, propane tanks, electrical generators and similar installations) must be indicated along with the setbacks (distance) from equipment to the property boundary line
- Notarized affidavit from the dealer or installer if the mobile home is pre-owned. The affidavit must state the mobile home is roadworthy and meets the minimum housing code
- Copy of a paid sanitary sewer and/or water receipt from the supplying utility company (if other than Hillsborough County Utilities)
- If using a septic system (sewer/water not available) upload a copy of the approved septic system permit (including approved site plan) from Florida Department of Health
- Recorded certified copy of Notice of Commencement in accordance with Florida Statutes 713.13 (required prior to the first inspection)
Legal lot of record verification
Applicant shall verify that the parcel is a legal lot of record
- The current legal description as provided by the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser (HCPA) must match the historic legal description as shown on the 1988 tax roll OR provide a deed prior to Hillsborough County date of conformance of July 26, 1989 that matches the HCPA legal description
- If assistance is needed to ensure the parcel is a legal lot of record, please email: zoninghelp@hcfl.gov
Supporting documentation
Provide any supporting documentation in relation to the parcel and/or structure if applicable
- Any approved variances (zoning/wetland), Certified Parcel Subdivision Approval letter, Vacation of a Public easement by the Real-Estate Department, Affidavit of consent for Encroachments into platted easements dedicated to a Homeowners Association or Community Development District (HOA/CDD)
Impact and mobility fees
- Impact and Mobility Fees are assessed on all projects that create new development or remodeling of an existing structure if there will be an increase in useable area. Impact fees must be paid prior to Certificate of Occupancy
Licensed mobile home installer
- Mobile Home permits must be pulled by a licensed Mobile Home Installer. Subcontractors are added to the permit, they do not need their own individual permits
Additional resources
- For Building and Construction Services assistance, please contact permitting@hcfl.gov
- For Zoning assistance, please submit a Zoning Information Request
- For the Natural Resource Department, please submit a Natural Resources Information Request