Charges assessed for the impact that is created by new development on Hillsborough County parks, schools, and fire systems

This may also apply to new construction on a vacant property or new construction and remodeling of an existing structure if there will be an increase in useable area. Transportation/ROW impact fees have been replaced by a mobility fee.

Important notice

Mobility/Impact Fees are assessed prior to issuance of a building permit, or equivalent. The assessment will remain valid for the life of the permit.

If you allow your permit to expire, Mobility/Impact will be reassessed at the current rates and updated when the permit is reissued. These rates may be higher than those initially assessed. To guard against this potential scenario, please ensure your permit remains valid and active until your project is complete.

Mobility and park impact fees

On June 16, 2021, The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) restored changes to the County's mobility fee and impact fee ordinances originally approved on May 20, 2020.

Summary of Changes

Quick access

Our most popular tools and information for impact fees:

All impact fee tools and information

We have a variety of tools and resources to help with impact fees.

Residential vs. non-residential

  • New residential development pays three impact fees, plus a mobility fee, because they utilize all of these services
  • Non-residential development, with the exception of Lodging Uses, pay only the fire impact fee and the mobility fee, because it does not directly impact schools or parks. Lodging Uses are subject to the Parks impact fee effective January 1, 2022.
  • Additional information is available in the consolidated impact fee ordinance and on the mobility fee page

Impact fee schedules

Impact fee zone maps

Fee calculators

To estimate Utility flows, Impact & Accrued Guarantee Revenue fees, inquire on the Impact Fee Payment method options for a project:

For more information please e-mail the Water Resources Department with the following information:

  • Subject: Impact and Connection Fee Question
  • Account Number (if you have service and are converting from well or septic)
  • Address /Folio Number/Legal Description of parcel
  • Daytime Contact Name and Telephone Number
  • Name of Project and Service Request #, if applicable
  • Specific Question (e.g. flow calculations, impact fees, payment options)
  • Staff will respond within five business days or contact you to obtain additional information

Check for Impact Credits

For current account information, log in to the HillsGovHub portal. Select Search on left side of page and choose Building & Site Records. Next, select Reports at the top right of the page, and select Trust Account Inquiry. For historical data prior to January 2021 an Offset Account check may be performed.


For answers to some common questions please visit our Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have any questions regarding assessment or estimated fees, email or call (813) 276-8305.

Last Modified: 2/25/2025, 2:08:36 PM

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