A guide for all commercial electrical construction projects

Following these guidelines will help ensure the application, plans and supporting documentation are complete and sufficient for permit submittal which will ensure a timely review and response.

General intake requirements

  • Building plans designed in accordance with the current Florida Building Code (FBC) and digitally signed and sealed by a State of Florida Registered Architect or Engineer; to include the design professionals name, registration number, complete address and phone number

Required documents

  • Electrical plans/drawings shall comply with the current Florida Building Code, which includes Florida Energy Conservation Code (Chapter 1, Part 2, Sec 107, (3)(5)(Subsection electrical)  (items 1 thru 8) which requires:
    • Wiring
    • Services
    • Feeders and branch circuits
    • Overcurrent protection
    • Grounding
    • Wiring methods
    • GFCI’s
    • Equipment
    • Special occupancies
    • Emergency systems
    • Communications Systems
    • Low voltage
    • Load Calculations
    • Design flood elevation
  • Electrical plans/drawings shall comply with the current National Electrical Code

Description of acceptable submittal items

  • Designer name and registration number shall be on all plans with original signature
  • Type, location, and capacity of all service equipment and grounding on line type riser diagram
  • Quantity, size and type of junction box or wire way
  • Quantity, size and type of all wiring installed
  • Wiring methods, raceway or cable types
  • Location of every electrical outlet, including switches
  • The wattage or amperages of outlets
  • The location, voltage, horsepower, kilowatt or similar rating of every motor or generator
  • The location, voltage, horsepower, kilowatt or similar rating of every motor controller or disconnect switch
  • Location and wattage of every transformer or appliance installed
  • Details of panel board, switchboard and distribution centers showing type and arrangement of switches, over current device ratings, and control equipment
  • Panel or switchboard schedule detailing wattages/amperages, and the number of active or branch circuits to be installed and the number of spare or branch circuits for future use.
  • The location of fire systems and exit lamps
  • The load calculations
  • Voltage drop considerations

Include as many of the elements listed above that apply to your project and should include, service riser diagram and ratings, load calculations, wiring methods and connected loads.

Additional resources

For Building and Construction Services assistance, contact Permitting@HCFL.gov.

Last Modified: 3/13/2024, 2:55:24 PM

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