File a complaint with our Consumer Protection division

Our department reviews requests to investigate companies doing business in Hillsborough County. In some cases, we partner with other agencies to address concerns. You must submit your complaint in writing.


  • Get relief
  • Raise public awareness about issues with a business
  • Settle miscommunications between you and the business
  • Possibly avoid turning a complaint into a legal matter

Complaint types

Examples of complaint types:

  • AC/Heating
  • Construction / Contractor
  • Credit/Loans/Financing/Billing
  • Fraud related
  • Home furnishings
  • Pet store/Breeder
  • Wage theft

If your complaint type is not listed on the form, choose the "Other" option.

How to

  1. Gather all of the information on the company you can, including:
    • Company details
    • Company representative names
    • Method(s) of contact
    • Dates and times of contact
    • The nature of the complaint
    • Amount of money involved (if applicable)
    • Products and/or services involved
    • Supporting documents
  2. There are three ways to file a complaint:
    1. Complete this online form
    2. Email
    3. Call (813) 635-8316 (will need to complete in writing)

What's next?

  1. We will contact you as quickly as possible, normally within 3 business days
  2. We will evaluate your complaint and either assigned to a Consumer Protection Investigator or, if appropriate, referred to another agency
  3. If assigned for investigation, we will notify the business and request they respond within 10 business days
  4. If they do not respond during that time, we will take additional steps to contact them
  5. We attempt to resolve the issue with the participation of all parties
  6. After complaint initiation, expect to receive additional information within 15 business days, based upon the response of the subject of the report

Get help

Department: Consumer Protection Services
Phone: (813) 635-8316

Last Modified: 1/18/2024, 7:14:46 PM

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