In the heart of Wimauma lies Bethune Park, an 11-acre space offering basketball courts, a playground, a picnic shelter, and trails and home to the Boys & Girls Club of Wimauma. As part of the Wimauma Downtown Revitalization Action Plan, plans are in the works to reinvigorate the park, making it more vibrant and inviting for Wimauma residents.
Hillsborough County wants to hear from the Wimauma community and learn about the park improvements, programs, and new features they would like to see. Wimauma residents and business owners are invited to attend one or both upcoming Bethune Park Master Plan meetings and provide feedback.
Meeting information
Bethune Park Master Plan Kick-Off
Monday, May 13, 2024
6:30 - 8 p.m.
Wimauma Elementary
5709 Hickman St.
Wimauma, FL 33598
Bethune Park Master Plan Community Open House and Workshop
Saturday, May 18, 2024
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Bethune Park Boys & Girls Club Building
5809 Edina St.
Wimauma, FL 33598
At the May 13 meeting, Hillsborough County planners will explain the project process, timeline, and the ways residents can get involved. The May 18 meeting will give residents the opportunity to share their ideas, and planners will discuss architecture and urban design strategies.
The goal is to develop a vision and design for improvements to Bethune Park that include a facility to serve as a community and cultural center. Possible additional uses for the facility include a library, space for a health clinic and/or child care center. Other activities or uses may be identified by the Wimauma community and incorporated into the design.
Over the next few months, the project team will work with the Wimauma community through various outreach efforts to create and formalize the Bethune Park Master Plan, which will be presented to the Wimauma community at the end of the summer.
For more information about the project, contact Jonah Katz, (813) 914-4501.