How to apply, required documents, and other general requirements when doing residential single-family addition construction projects

General intake requirements


Apply online at HillsGovHub.

Required documents for application submittal

  • Copy of a paid sanitary sewer and/or water receipt from the supplying utility company (if other than Hillsborough County Utilities)
    • If using a septic system (sewer/water not available) upload a copy of the approved septic system permit (including approved site plan) from Florida Department of Health

Recorded plat

  • Applicant shall verify that the parcel is a legal lot of record
    • The current legal description as provided by the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser (HCPA) must match the historic legal description as shown on the 1988 tax roll OR provide a deed prior to Hillsborough County date of conformance of July 26, 1989 that matches the HCPA legal description
    • If assistance is needed to ensure the parcel is a legal lot of record, email:

Supporting documents

  • Provide any supporting documentation in relation to the parcel and/or structure if applicable
    • Any approved variances (zoning/wetland), Certified Parcel Subdivision Approval letter, Vacation of a Public easement by the Real-Estate Department, Affidavit of consent for Encroachments into platted easements dedicated to a Homeowners Association or Community Development District (HOA/CDD)

Impact and mobility fees

  • Impact and Mobility Fees are assessed on all projects that create new development or remodeling of an existing structure if there will be an increase in useable area. Impact fees must be paid prior to Certificate of Occupancy
Last Modified: 3/3/2025, 7:07:45 PM