Site plan permit requirements for commercial new construction, additions, and shell buildings

Site plan requirements

Provide the approved Site Development Construction Plan Review and the approved letter in accordance with the Hillsborough County Development Review Procedures Manual Section

  • Indicating the size and location of the new construction and all existing structures on the site
  • Property boundaries with lot dimensions
  • Property legal description
  • Special Flood Hazard Areas, all easements, and any environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, conservation, preservation and/or the wetland setback lines and Significant Wildlife Habitat)
  • Base Flood Elevation(s), Finished floor elevations, Vertical datum reference
    • If NGVD1929 datum is being utilized, the datum conversion factor must be provided
  • Required front, side and rear yard setbacks from all structures to all property boundary lines
  • Provide all surrounding street name(s) including all new or existing driveway connections onto public or private roadways
  • The building orientation for the front entryway must be indicated relative to the other buildings located on the parcel
Last Modified: 3/14/2024, 10:06:57 AM

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