Building plan review requirements for commercial new construction, additions, and shell buildings
Building plan review requirements
- Building plans shall be designed in accordance with all applicable code requirements and referenced on plans.
- Plans shall be digitally signed and sealed by a State of Florida Registered Architect or Engineer; to include the design professionals name, registration number, complete address and phone number
- Scope of work including classification of work, pursuant to Chapter 6 FBC, existing building, square footage of existing, new, interior and exterior construction.
- A digital key site plan (drawn to scale) shall be provided showing the entire parcel (property boundary lines, all buildings, and parking areas) as described by property folio number per the Hillsborough County Property Appraisers Office, and the area of development/work is clearly shown in accordance with the FBC 107.
- Provide a copy of the Florida Energy Calculations with the signature and seal of the design professional, showing that it meets the required minimum Energy Efficiency (Comcheck or EnergyGauge Summit)
- Provide one digital set of load calculations (Manual J) obtained from the Mechanical contractor.
- All exterior work (roofing, doors, windows, exterior wall finishes, etc.,) provide the Product Evaluation and Approval for protection from wind-borne debris pursuant to Florida Statute 553.842. Product Approval listings can be found on the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation
- If mechanical equipment is being retrofitted, provide a copy of the Florida Energy Calculations with the signature and seal of the design professional, showing that it meets the required minimum Energy Efficiency (Comcheck or EnergyGauge Summit)
- Scaled floor plans describing new and existing conditions, the following components shall be indicated:
- Room Labels and Dimensions
- Exterior Building Elevations describing Exterior Wall Envelope
- Windows, doors, roof slopes, exterior materials, final grade lines
- Roof Overhangs and Fire Resistance Rating (if applicable)
- Porch and Exterior Balcony railings and details
- Exterior Egress Stairs (if applicable)
- Height of structure from proposed finished grade to highest point of the structure
- Occupancy Classification and Use Designation, Chapter 3, FBC
- Special detailed requirements based on Use and Occupancy, Chapter 4, FBC
- Building construction type, Chapter 6, FBC
General Building Heights and Area Limitations, Chapter 5, FBC
- Maximum Building Height; allowed and proposed
- Number of Stories above grade; allowed and proposed
- Mezzanines and equipment platforms
- Building Area; allowed and proposed
- Unlimited Area Buildings (if applicable)
- Occupancy of existing adjacent space (Additions and Alterations)
- Mixed Use Occupancy and Separation of Occupancies
- Fire resistant protection for type of construction, protection of openings and penetrations of rated walls
- Separation and Protection of Incidental Uses
Fire-Resistant Construction for type of construction, Chapter 6, FBC
- Fire-Resistance Rating Requirements for Building Elements
- Fire-Resistance Rating Requirements for Exterior Walls based on Fire Separation Distance
Fire and Smoke Protection Features, Chapter 7, FBC
- Fire-resistance ratings of penetrations and fire-resistant joint systems
- Fire-resistance ratings of structural members
- Minimum Distance of projection in exterior walls
- Maximum Area of exterior wall openings
- Fire Walls, Fire Barriers and Fire Partitions with associated Fire-Resistance Ratings of each
- Smoke Barriers and Smoke Partitions with Fire-Resistance Ratings of each
- Floor and Roof Assemblies with associated Fire-Resistance Ratings of each
- Vertical openings and shaft enclosures with associated Fire-Resistance Ratings of each
- Opening Fire Protection Assemblies, ratings and markings
- Ducts and Air Transfer openings
- Concealed Spaces
- Prescriptive Fire Resistance Ratings
Interior Finishes, Chapter 8, FBC
- Interior wall and ceiling finish materials in accordance with their flame spread and smoke-developed indexes
- Interior wall and ceiling finish requirements by occupancy
Fire Protection Systems, Chapter 9, FBC
- Automatic Sprinkler systems
- Additional Required Suppression Systems
- Alternative Automatic Fire-Extinguishing Systems
- Portable Fire Extinguishers
- Smoke Control Systems
- Smoke and Heat Removal
Means of Egress, Chapter 10, FBC (Life Safety Plan)
- General Means of Egress
- Occupant Load and egress capacities including exit access, exit and exit discharge
- Number of exits and exit access doorways
- Accessible Means of Egress
- Doors, gates, and turnstiles
- Egress lighting and exit signs
- Interior and Exterior Stairways and Ramps
- Assembly
Accessibility Requirements, FBC Accessibility
- Scoping Requirements and Buildings Blocks, Chapters 2 & 3, FBC Accessibility
- Accessible Routes
- General Site and Building elements
- Plumbing elements and facilities
- Communication elements and features
- Special rooms, spaces and elements and built-in elements, Chapters 8 & 9, FBC Accessibility
- Recreational facilities, Chapter 10, FBC Accessibility
- Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines (if applicable)
- Federal “Barrier Removal” Mandate
Interior Environment, Chapter 12, FBC
- Light, temperature control and ventilation
- Yards or courts
- Sound transmission
- Interior space dimensions
- Access to unoccupied spaces
Exterior Walls, Chapter 14, FBC
- Performance requirements and weather protection
- Materials including but not limited to wood, masonry, metal, concrete, glass-unit masonry, plastics, vinyl siding, fiber-cement siding, exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS), polypropylene siding, foam plastic insulation
- Installation of wall coverings
- Combustible materials on the exterior side of exterior walls
Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures, Chapter 15, FBC
- Weather protection
- Performance requirements and Fire classification
- Materials
- Requirements for roof coverings and roof insulation
- Rooftop structures
- Existing roofing
- High-velocity hurricane zones, FBC 1512-1525