Firefighters who are diagnosed with certain cancers are eligible to receive certain disability or death benefits

What is the purpose of the program?

Florida Statute 112.1816 was enacted by the Legislature and signed into law on July 1, 2019. The statute makes firefighters, who are diagnosed with certain cancers, eligible to received certain disability or death benefits. Specifically, in lieu of pursuing workers’ compensation coverage, a firefighter shall be entitled to benefits as defined under the law.


  • A one-time $25,000 cash benefit, paid upon the diagnosis of cancer.
  • Reimbursement of covered out-of-pocket expenses related to the diagnosis of cancer
  • A $75,000 cash benefit will be paid in the event of the firefighter’s death due to complications associated with the diagnosed cancer. The cause of death must be confirmed by a physician who is board certified in the medical specialty that is appropriate for the type of cancer involved.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Last Modified: 8/1/2024, 1:29:07 PM

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