Apiary Inspection plays a vital role in Florida Agriculture

Apiary Inspection plays a vital role in Florida Agriculture as inspectors work to prevent the introduction and establishment of honey bee pests and diseases. A healthy and secure Florida honey bee industry is valuable to all.

Florida Apiary Inspectors certify movement of honey bee colonies throughout the state and the nation. These colonies are monitored for diseases, honey bee pests and unwanted bee species.

Registration and inspections

The department has the most comprehensive state program (e.g., number of inspectors and traps) to prevent the accidental introduction of the unwanted Africanized honey bee.

Beekeepers should be registered with FDACS and contact their local apiary inspector for more information.

Mosquito spray notifications

Hillsborough County Mosquito Management Services offers a notification service via email prior to most nighttime applications of adulticides. Sign up on the Mosquito Spray Notifications page so you will know when we are spraying in your area to help protect your bees.

Last Modified: 11/20/2023, 7:27:14 PM

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