Need help paying your energy bill? Hillsborough County can assist you. Assistance is provided for as long as program funds are available.
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program (EHEAP) helps Hillsborough County residents pay for energy bills so they don't have to choose between electricity and groceries.
The department may prioritize accept to applications based on the following criteria during peak time:
- Have a child 5 or under in the home
- Have a senior age 60 or older in the home
- Have a disabled household member
Eligibility for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Households must meet the following criteria:
- Be a U.S. citizen or an alien resident who is eligible for federal benefits
- Be a resident of Hillsborough County
- Have a household gross income of no more than 60 percent state median income for households of 8 members or less, or a households gross income of no more than 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for households with 9 or more members
- Have a recent energy bill
- Be responsible for paying their home energy bills
- Additional qualifications may be necessary to determine eligibility
- Download the complete LIHEAP & EHEAP checklist - English | LIHEAP & EHEAP checklist - Spanish
Rights and responsibilities of LIHEAP applicants/clients
- Applicants/Clients are responsible for notifying the LIHEAP office of any changes in address or vendor. If the applicant fails to report a new address or vendor before they receive a benefit, they forfeit rights to the benefit.
- Applicants/Clients are responsible for notifying the LIHEAP office if they do not receive a Notice of Denial and Appeal or Notice of Approval and Appeal within 30 days of the Application Date.
- Applicants/Clients are responsible for notifying the LIHEAP office if the credit is not made to their account within 45 days.
- Applicants/Clients have the right to apply for services in a location that is accessible to them.
- Applicants/Clients have a right to privacy when providing information to subrecipient staff during the application process.
- Applicants are responsible for giving the subrecipient all of the information and verification required for eligibility determination.
- Agencies such as shelters, housing projects, and group living facilities may not receive assistance for all their clients as a unit
- All LIHEAP payments are for the benefit of all members of the household
Emergency Home Energy Assistance Program for the elderly (EHEAP)
Households must meet the following requirements:
- Be a U.S. Citizen or an alien resident who is eligible for federal benefits
- Be a resident of Hillsborough County
- At least one household member must be age 60 or older
- Have a household gross income of no more than 60 percent state median income for households of 8 members or less, or a households gross income of no more than 150 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines for households with 9 or more members
- Be responsible for paying their home energy bills
- Must have a recent energy bill
- Additional qualifications may be necessary to determine eligibility
- Download the complete LIHEAP & EHEAP checklist - English | LIHEAP & EHEAP checklist - Spanish
Things to consider
- All eligibility appointments will be scheduled in advance and can be virtual/over-the-phone or in person
- An eligibility specialist will be requesting all necessary documents to be sent electronically and will be able to assist you with this process
- Hillsborough County may prioritize financial assistance appointments to households that have members who are part of the most vulnerable population (persons 60 years or older, school-age, or with a disability)
- If you don't have all necessary documents for your appointment, you will be asked to reschedule your appointment for when all paperwork is completed and available
How to
- Call (813) 272-5220 to be screened for an eligibility appointment
- Gather all of the following documents for your scheduled appointment:
- Social Security number verification for each household member
- Two items showing verification of Hillsborough County residency:
- Valid driver's license with current address
- Letter or current lease from your landlord or mortgage company
- Hillsborough County voter registration card
- Public utility bill with Hillsborough County address
- Vehicle registration with a Hillsborough County address
- Current public school enrollment in Hillsborough County
- Picture identification for all adults in the household
- Verification of gross income for all household members for the last 30 days, such as: paycheck stub, employer letter, award letter for public assistance, Social Security income verification, unemployment benefits letter, or pension check stub
- Verification of home energy obligation
- Additional requirements may be necessary for eligibility determination depending on each household situation
Get help
Department: Social Services
Phone: (813) 272-5220