Loans available for Hillsborough residents and business owners 

Hillsborough County, Fla. (Sept. 20, 2024) - Hillsborough County business owners, homeowners, renters, and nonprofits impacted by Hurricane Debby can apply for financial assistance with the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

The organization is offering three loan programs for eligible participants:

Business Physical Damage Disaster SBA Loans 

The SBA Business Physical Damage Disaster Loans are available to businesses of any size, private and nonprofit organizations, religious organizations, etc. These loans may be used to repair or replace physical property to include real estate, equipment, supplies, and inventory. 

Deadline to apply: Oct. 9, 2024 

Home Disaster Loans

The SBA Home Disaster Loans are available to homeowners or renters for the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged real estate and personal property, including vehicles. 

Deadline to apply: Oct. 9, 2024 

SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans 
The SBA has made Economic Injury Disaster Loans available to small businesses, small agricultural cooperatives, and most private, nonprofit organizations. These working capital loans are designed to assist through the disaster recovery period. 

Deadline to apply: May 12, 2025 

Interest rates will apply for the term of the loans. 

For more information on SBA loans available to Hillsborough County businesses, nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters, please visit the SBA website, call the SBA toll free at (800) 827-5722, or review the SBA Fact Sheet. 

Additionally, Hillsborough County's Storm Recovery Resources page features comprehensive local, state, and national resources available to residents as they recover from a disaster.