Additional land use and infrastructure resources and information

These studies and plans are used as reference documents, or are other countywide related documents, that integrate land use and infrastructure related projects. 

Complete Streets Guide

Project description

Complete Streets are roadways that are designed and operated to provide safe, accessible, and healthy travel for all users of the roadway system. This refines a street’s Context Based Classification into typologies that fit seamlessly into a community’s vision for its future. It accomplishes this by acting as a bridge between Future Land Use, Livable Communities, and Transportation policies in the Comprehensive Plan. It allows street design to prioritize the type of users utilizing a roadway based on existing and planned development patterns.



Final report

Context Based Classification Tech Memo

Project description

The Hillsborough County Context Classification System is a predictable framework to improve streets consistent with the Future Land Use and community plans for the Unincorporated Areas of Hillsborough County. The purpose of the Technical Memorandum is to document the methodology employed to assign context designations to all County maintained arterials and collectors within Unincorporated Hillsborough County.



Final report

Corridor Preservation and Planning Best Practices

Project description

This report reviews current thoroughfare planning practices in several Florida counties, as well as those of selected cities and counties in other states. The purpose of the review is to offer insight and guidance to Hillsborough County on the current state of the practice in Florida, and any best practices that may benefit the County as it updates its Corridor Plan.



Final report

Greenways Map

Project description

A map showing the existing and proposed trails and shared-use paths throughout the County, as well as funding status, and connections to recreational areas.



Final report

Greenways and Trails Master Plan

Project description

This document is an update to the original Greenways Master Plan of 1995 that supports and guides the development of natural corridors, unpaved trails, recreational waterways for non-motorized boats (blueways), and paved trails. Through extensive public engagement, Hillsborough County developed a vision plan for the future, and an action plan including recommended next steps to support greenways and trails in pursuing grant opportunities.



Final report

Level of Service Report - 2020

Project description

A comprehensive listing of major County and State maintained roadways within unincorporated Hillsborough County and their operating conditions based upon recent counts. Level of Service (LOS) is determined using the volume to capacity ratio (v/c ratio). Although the relationship between LOS and v/c is not an exact one, there is still a general correlation between the two that can help us determine how well a roadway is functioning.



Final report

PLAT Process

Project description

PLAT Studies, or Preliminary Land Use Assessment and Transportation Studies, help us to understand how we can balance development patterns and transportation infrastructure. They help with identifying appropriate transportation improvements for an area that can then go through the PD&E process and into the CIP.



Final report

Document accessibility

In accordance with the requirements of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"), Hillsborough County will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities. Persons with disabilities who need an accommodation for these documents should email the Hillsborough County ADA Officer or call (813) 276-8401; TTY: 7-1-1.

Last Modified: 6/26/2024, 3:11:25 PM

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