Subcommittee meetings for the Commission on Human Trafficking

COHT Board Information

Public access and comments

Unless otherwise noted, meetings are held in a hybrid type, where the public can choose to attend or participate in-person or virtually. See directions below for how to sign up for access or comments.

Hybrid or virtual meetings

Sign up to participate or attend virtually or in-person by sending an email to the contact listed below

  • Include your name, phone number, and whether you will be participating virtually or in-person, or wish to provide written comments only
  • You will be called on in the order that you have signed up

You may also attend the meeting and sign up on-site where your name will be added to the list at that time.

In-person only meetings

  • Show up at the appropriate time and location for the date listed and sign up to speak
Commission on Human Trafficking
Lisa Montelione - Meeting Manager
(813) 274-6936
Last Modified: 2/12/2025, 11:18:03 AM