Meetings for the Charter Review Board, which meets every five years.
The fourteen member Board is an autonomous body and by Charter is empowered to conduct a comprehensive study of any or all phases of county government.
Charter Review Board information
Live public access and comments
Unless otherwise specified, all meetings will be hybrid where the public can choose to attend and/or speak at the meeting virtually or in person. If you do not wish to offer public comment and do not want to attend in person, see below for ways to watch the meeting live or catch a recording of it at a later date.
Sign up to speak
- Sign up to participate by filling out the Charter Review Board Public Comment Request Form
The form to sign up will open approximately one week prior to the meeting, once the agenda is available (see Agenda and Minutes section below)
- If attending in person, you can sign up when you arrive
- You will be called on in the order that you have signed up
- Priority is given to those speaking on items on the current agenda
- Up to three minutes are allowed for each speaker
Agendas and minutes
Agendas and other meeting materials will be posted near the meeting date, and, if available, meeting minutes will be posted before the next meeting.
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Anyone can view the meeting live or recorded via:
- YouTube live meetings:
- County website: Live video stream
- Cable: The County's HTV channels on cable television: Spectrum 637 and Frontier 22
- YouTube playback: Hillsborough County's Playback YouTube Channel
- County website: On Demand