Code Enforcement Special Magistrate (CESM) hearings for burglar alarms, water resources, Fire Marshal, and right-of-way violationsCESM informationLearn more about the Code Enforcement Special Magistrates and what they do.ContactCESM Hearings Sonia O. Rodriguez - Hearing Manager(813) 272-7181 OfficeEmailWorkBrandon Regional Service Center (Veterans Services)311 Pauls Dr., Suite #100Brandon, FL 33511(813) 635-8316 Hours Monday to Friday 8 AM-4:30 PM Week Month Year October 2024
Code Enforcement Special Magistrate (CESM) hearings for burglar alarms, water resources, Fire Marshal, and right-of-way violationsCESM informationLearn more about the Code Enforcement Special Magistrates and what they do.ContactCESM Hearings Sonia O. Rodriguez - Hearing Manager(813) 272-7181 OfficeEmailWork