List of committee members and how to receive a product review
Water Resources Product Review committee members
Name | Represented Section/Team | PRC Function |
Luke Mulford | WRD Utility Design Section | Chairman |
Brian Lewis | WRD Utility Design Section | Technical Review Officer TRO |
Xiongfei Xie | WRD Utility Planning Section | Voting Member |
Christopher Jones | WRD Infrastructure Maintenance Division | Voting Member |
Sureshdath Maharaj | WRD South/Central Field Maintenance Section | Voting Member |
David Hutchinson | WRD Pump Station Maintenance Section | Voting Member |
Richard Harrison | Capital Improvement Program Section | Voting Member |
Product reviews
If you are interested in having your product added to Appendix B of the Water, Wastewater, and Reclaimed Water Technical Specifications for use in our potable, reclaimed, and wastewater systems, you must complete a product submittal package and submit it for review by the product review committee (PRC). We must approve a product prior to bid advertisement in order for it to be eligible for consideration for that bid.
Our standardized format and procedures described below will increase review speed and efficiency, while guaranteeing consistency.
Table of contents
- Download the Table of Contents (TOC) for your submittal package
- Incorporate the individual section dividers into your package and follow its format
- You must do this correctly to accurately process your product
- Incorrect formatting on submittals may delay, or even disqualify your product review
This file is provided for you to import (or copy) the information for your submittal into the appropriate sections of the TOC pages. Adobe Acrobat Professional, Kinko's, and Pro-Copy are examples of tools and services that you may use to accomplish this task.
Procedure guidelines
- Procedure guidelines provides information that will outline the process of PRC product submittal
- Thoroughly read this document to help minimize delays
- You must complete all TOC sections in the proper format before the PRC process can begin
- Missing information will delay or disqualify your submittal
- Your product submittal reflects on the integrity and professionalism of the company backing the product
Submitting the package
- Submit your product submittal package as a single PDF electronic file
- Email it to
- Use the following email subject line format:
- [Manufacturers Name] – [Product Name] – [Subject]
- There is a 5 MB e-mail limit for all e-mails
- If your submittal is greater than 5 MB, you can:
- Send it in section by section
- Send a CD or thumb drive
- Make arrangement with the Technical Review Officer (TRO) for a different submittal process
- All product communication will be done through the TRO:
PRC- Technical Review Officer (
PRC meetings
The PRC schedules quarterly meetings. The meetings are held as hybrid with voting committee members attending in person while technical representatives can attend virtually. These meetings may be delayed, postponed or cancelled depending on workload, product information availability or other factors. For information on accessing the meeting, or to submit a written comment, email Brian Lewis.
Dates for this calendar year are provided below:
- Wednesday March 26, 2025, 9:30 AM
- Thursday June 26, 2025, 2:00 PM
- Thursday September 25, 2025, 2:00 PM
- Thursday December 18, 2025, 2:00 PM
Important Note: It is necessary to have all information submitted at least 12 - 18 weeks before the dates of the meetings.