Requirements for special design review, zoning, special flood hazard area, and other related items

Special design review requirements

Verify the applicable zoning district, flood hazard areas and Base Flood Elevation(s) (BFEs) using the Hillsborough County Flood Zone Lookup, GIS Map Viewer and FEMA Flood Map Service Center (MSC). The Map Viewer provides parcel detail to determine what government regulations and services are applicable to the parcel. While the MSC is the official public source for flood hazard information produced in support of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). Parcel details can also be obtained from the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser website.


  • Unincorporated Hillsborough County has two (2) types of zoning districts, a standard zoning district and a Planned Development zoning district. Parcels located within a Community Planned Development (or Special Overlay District) area; these areas require additional architectural design review that govern the development per applicable code requirements.
  • All proposed projects located within Planned Development (PD) zoning districts must clearly demonstrate compliance with the criteria established within the conditions of approval, subdivision construction grading plan and must be consistent with the goals, policies and objectives contained within the Comprehensive Plan.

Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA)

All properties located within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) shall have full compliance with the requirements of the Hillsborough County Construction Code, Hillsborough County Land Development Code, ASCE 24-14, the Florida Building Code and all other applicable laws and regulations that govern the standards set forth within the National Flood Insurance Program; most restrictive shall apply. 

If the property is located within a Coastal High Hazard Areas (Zone V) and Coastal A Zones or areas known to have muck soils, highly organic suspect soils, or where there is erosion, scour or settling of underlying soils on the property; more information may be required to ensure the project meets the applicable code requirements for all development within these areas.

Note: A soils and foundation analysis (geotechnical report) may be required to be provided by a Florida Registered Engineer that shows supporting information and a recommendation for the foundation design of the proposed structure.

Model dwelling units

All Model Home development must meet the criteria pursuant to the HC-LDC Section(s) 6.11.62 and 10.01.05.C.8. Provide all items specified above to address construction lots for model dwelling units and parking.

Provide ONE of the following:

  • Alternate parking lot plan designed by a professional engineer or surveyor, OR
  • Model home center parking lot site plan approval letter; OR
  • Parking plan per the Transportation Technical Manual TD-19. Plan must include the lot with the parking layout and the ADA access from the parking lot to the model home.
Last Modified: 3/3/2025, 8:20:34 PM

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