Requirements for site plan drawings submitted with the permit request for townhome new construction

Use the following guidelines for submitting site plan drawings.

Site plan drawings

Provide a site plan drawn to scale.

Site plan drawing requirements

  • The site plan must include:
    • Indicate the location of the proposed scope of work and all existing structures on the parcel
    • Property boundaries with lot dimensions
    • Property legal description
    • Base Flood Elevation(s)
    • Finished floor elevations (residence and garage)
    • Vertical datum reference
      • If NGVD1929 datum is being utilized, the datum conversion factor must be provided 
    • Required front, side and rear yard setbacks from all structures to all property boundary lines
    • Maximum building height
    • Street location name(s)
    • North arrow
  • Must confirm compliance within all Residential Districts and Planned Development Standards established within the conditions of approval, subdivision construction grading plan and must be consistent with the goals, policies and objectives contained within the Comprehensive Plan
  • Must identify all easements, floodplain, any environmentally sensitive areas (wetlands, conservation, preservation and/or the wetland setback lines and Significant Wildlife Habitat)
  • All proposed construction must indicate the foundation design (stemwall, slab on grade, piers, posts, etc.)
  • Indicate driveway to home and type of driveway construction (i.e., concrete, asphalt, paver bricks, grass)
  • Location of Mechanical equipment (i.e., air conditioning units, pumps, heating equipment, propane tanks, electrical generators and similar installations) must be indicated along with the setbacks (distance) from equipment to the property boundary lines
  • All wetland delineations and formal determinations of the wetland and other surface water limits reviewed and approved by the Environmental Protection Commission (EPC) must be provided
    • Approved certified survey by EPC must be valid and approved within the five (5) year period
  • Depict a 30-foot wetland setback conservation or 50-foot wetland setback preservation area line labeled on the site plan
    • If property has a permitted seawall or rip rap, provide a copy of permit
  • Septic tank and drainfield must be in accordance with Health Department permit or indicate the sanitary line from the road to residence
  • Depict waterline from road to the residence or well location and waterline from well to the residence
  • Depict drainage flow arrows, existing grades and finished grades for each corner of the parcel. Indicate all drainage features (swales, ditches, conveyance, detention, retention areas, etc.) that may affect the flow rate of stormwater runoff. Site plan must meet one of the options below:
    • Site plan must match the County approved subdivision Lot Grading Plan and identify type A, B or C grading scheme, OR
    • Site plan signed and sealed by a Florida-registered Professional Engineer depicting grading information and finished floor elevations, OR
    • Select the NO FILL Attestation on the application which states that fill shall be restricted to the septic drainfield and the building foundation only with the exception of minor foundation grading not to exceed 6 feet from the building footprint, and foundation grading shall be placed no nearer to the side property boundary than 3 feet with the slope from the structure not to exceed 4:1
  • If the parcel (or any portion thereof) is located within the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA); the site plan must depict the SFHA(s), the Base Flood Elevation(s) (BFEs), the FIRM panel number and date, and the LOMA/LOMR (if applicable)
  • Trees 5-inch in diameter-at-breast height (DBH) and larger located on the site or within the Right of Way (ROW), that are located within 30 feet of proposed improvements (home, septic, driveways, utilities, etc.) must be identified by tree type and DBH size. Trees beyond the 30 feet of improvements, if shown, may be counted toward the required lot trees
  • Identify any required special design techniques (tree wells, aeration systems, retaining walls, grade dishing, etc.) due to existing and proposed grade differential (if applicable)
  • ROW Use Permit is required when an owner wishes to provide access to a property adjacent to the County’s rights-of-way; pursuant to Ordinance 92-22 and the County’s Utility Accommodation Guide and Rights of Way Use Manual (UAG), Section 2.5.
  • The types of access connections and the requirements for obtaining a permit are described within the Hillsborough County Land Development Code (HC-LDC) Section 6.04.01. - Access Management
  • Sidewalks shall be required in all land use categories, where necessary to provide for safe pedestrian circulation; pursuant to the HC-LDC Section 6.02.08.  - Sidewalks
Last Modified: 3/3/2025, 8:19:31 PM

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