Helping people who need HIV/AIDS-related services and do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources

Ryan White was a hemophiliac, who in 1984 was diagnosed with AIDS from a blood transfusion. He was only 13 years old. He gained national attention for his fight to be able to attend school and against discrimination. Through this fight, he became the face of public education about the disease.

Read more about Ryan White's life .

Addressing a local need

The Ryan White Program was established in Hillsborough County to address the need for HIV/AIDS-related services among the economically disadvantaged and underserved residents of our community.

Hillsborough County awards funds to providers based on service priorities and allocations established by the West Central Florida Ryan White Care Council.

About the council

The West Central Florida Ryan White Care Council is the planning authority for the Ryan White Part A grant funds. They are responsible for the prioritization and allocations for both core and support services for Persons Living with HIV.

The Council is comprised of a diverse group of interested community volunteers and agency stakeholders. They welcome those with lived experience and an interest in community planning.

Visit their website to learn more about the mission and how to get involved with the local Ryan White Planning Body

Apply to the Ryan White Program

Further information

The Florida Department of Health has HIV-related data and information.

Last Modified: 2/22/2024, 3:29:59 PM

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