Hillsborough County, Fla. (Nov. 18, 2024) - State Sen. Jay Collins and State Rep. Lawerence McClure announce that the 2025 Hillsborough County State Legislative Delegation meeting to elect the chair and vice chair, hear local bills, and conduct the general legislative public hearing will be on Friday, Jan. 10, 2025. The meeting will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at TPepin's Hospitality Centre, 4121 N. 50th St., Tampa, FL, 33610.

Hillsborough County Government Relations & Strategic Services serves as a liaison for the Delegation, which advocates for issues concerning Hillsborough County in the Florida Legislature. Sen. Collins is the current chair of the State Legislative Delegation. The chair is responsible for officially calling the annual meeting(s) to order and setting the agenda. For any additional delegation information, contact Sen. Collins' district office at (813) 281-2538 or Collins.Jay.web@flsenate.gov.

For placement on the meeting agenda, contact Cameron Pennant with Hillsborough County Government Relations & Strategic Services at PennantC@HCFL.gov. Any materials or handouts must be delivered to the office of Sen. Collins, 4902 Eisenhower Blvd. S., Suite 217, Tampa, FL, 33634, by 4 p.m. Friday, Jan. 3, 2025. Individuals are asked to provide 14 sets of three-hole-punched, 8½ x 11 copies.

Questions may be directed to Pennant, or the office of Sen. Collins at (813) 281-2538.

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Chapter 286.26, Florida Statutes, persons in need of special accommodations to participate in the meeting, including agendas, interpreters, or assisted listening devices, should contact Pennant by the close of business Friday, Jan. 3.

All Hillsborough County State Legislative Delegation meetings are open to the public.

Posted: 11/18/2024, 6:51:43 PM