Detailed information including maps, schedules, and renderings

The Hillsborough County Water Resources Department is planning a wastewater service improvement project in the Palm River Utility Service Area to connect businesses and homes to safe, reliable, and environmentally responsible wastewater services. The new wastewater improvement project will allow utility customers currently on septic systems to connect to the County’s wastewater collection and treatment system (sewer service).

The Palm River Septic-to-Sewer (S2S) Conversion Project is part of a countywide effort to protect groundwater and improve the quality of the region’s natural water systems by eliminating septic tanks and low-pressure sewer systems in areas around Tampa Bay. In addition to installing new vacuum system wastewater pipelines throughout the community, the project will also include constructing a new vacuum pump station.

A vacuum system is a closed sewer system that requires no lift stations or manholes. The vacuum system uses the building gravity sewer lateral to transport wastewater to a valve pit where a valve automatically opens pulling the wastewater into the vacuum pipe for transport to the vacuum pump station. The vacuum pump station consists of vacuum pumps, a vacuum reservoir tank, a wastewater collection tank, wastewater pumps, and electrical controls. The wastewater stored in the collection tank is pumped to the wastewater treatment plant through a force main. (See the below vacuum system diagram.) Vacuum sewer systems are particularly effective in flat areas with shallow groundwater such as the Palm River Utility Service Area.

Vacuum Sewer System Components rendering showing houses connected to the valve pit, vacuum main and the vacuum station.
The wastewater stored in the collection tank is pumped to the wastewater treatment plant through a force main.

The Palm River S2S Conversion Project will be divided into multiple phases as shown in the project area Geographic Information System (GIS) map below.

View a larger version of the Proposed Palm River S2S Conversion Project Phases in a new window. You may enter your property address in the search field to determine the applicable phase for your property or properties.

The phases are currently defined by the below boundaries (approx.) but may be further subdivided to facilitate delivery of the design and construction:

  • Phase 1 – Railroad grade on the west, 78th Street on the east, Palm River on the north, and Causeway Boulevard on the south
  • Phase 2 – Railroad grade on the west, 78th Street on the east, Causeway Boulevard on the north, and Madison Avenue on the south
  • Phase 3 – McKay Bay Trail on the west, railroad grade on the east, Palm River on the north, and Sagasta Street on the south
  • Phase 4 – Tamiami Trail/US-41 on the west, railroad grade on the east, Sagasta Street on the north, and Pendola Point Road on the south


Design and permitting are tentatively planned to be completed as follows:

  • Phase 1 – Winter 2025
  • Phase 2 – Spring 2027
  • Phase 3 – Winter 2028
  • Phase 4 – Winter 2029

The construction schedule for each phase will be communicated once it is determined.

Connections to the regional sewer system will be available once construction of the planned phase is complete.

Proposed Vacuum Sewer Pump Station

In addition to new vacuum sewer lines, the County will construct a new vacuum sewer pump station. (See the images below for built examples.) The Palm River vacuum pump station design will include the following features:

  • The vacuum pump station facility will be gated and secured with fencing around the property
  • The vacuum pumps will be completely enclosed in a concrete-block building that will minimize noise from the pumps in the surrounding area
  • The pump station building will be designed to blend into the community’s aesthetics
  • The proposed vacuum sewer system will include a dedicated odor control system to prevent and mitigate potential sewer odors

Vacuum Pump Station example photo 1
Example of Completed Project - Vacuum Pump Station (#1)

A blue building that looks like a house, but inside contains a vacuum pump station (not shown)
Example of a completed vacuum pump station

See larger versions of all Palm River S2S Conversion Project images

Last Modified: 2/25/2025, 4:30:24 PM

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