Dana Shores / Pelican Island at Rocky Point Undergrounding of utilities

Existing overhead utilities were improved along seven roadways in the Dana Shores Community: George Road, Dana Shores Drive, Doral Drive, Eden Roc Circle, Fontainebleau Drive, Versailles Drive, and Americana Drive. In addition, Venetian Way and Pelican Island were tied into a looped system, providing redundancy and eliminating single points of failure that previously existed. Improvements along George Road and the north side of Dana Shores Drive were considered common improvements to be shared by all parcels in the Underground Special Assessment Area (USAA).

Dana Shores / Pelican Island at Rocky Point Undergrounding of Utilities
Before the utility lines were placed underground

Dana Shores / Pelican Island at Rocky Point Undergrounding of Utilities
After the utility poles were removed and wires were placed underground

Community benefit

  • The objectives of undergrounding overhead utilities include:
  • Reduce utility outages
  • Reduce risks associated with wind, wildlife, vehicular impacts, and aging infrastructure
  • Replace various serial network systems with looped network systems that provide redundant sources of electricity
  • Reduce dangers associated with downed electric lines
  • Improve aesthetics by reducing aboveground utility poles and lines
  • Reduce interference with, preserve, and expand existing tree canopies
  • Modernize the utilities on residential streets to support electrical needs of increased home sizes
  • Reduce the likelihood of energy surges and associated negative impact on electronic equipment
  • Improve visibility along public rights-of-way
  • Reduce the number of obstructions in the path of vehicles driving off a right-of-way

Dana Shores Frequently Asked Questions

Last Modified: 2/26/2025, 2:33:35 PM