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Joe Chillura Courthouse Square is a County-owned open space located in close proximity to the Hillsborough County downtown facilities. The Square is available for general public use and enjoyment daily from sunrise to sunset.

Public reservations for special use and events are not accepted for the Square. Public groups looking for a dedicated reserved spot at another Hillsborough County Park should refer to the request special event space page.

Joe Chillura Courthouse Square rules

  • The Courthouse Square is for the general use of the public from sunrise and sunset
  • Use of the Square should be done in a manner that does not restrict use by others
  • No unauthorized vendors
  • No amplified sound, use of generators, open flames/fuel sources, or temporary or permanent large displays
  • No erection of temporary or permanent structures
  • No disruptive or disorderly behavior
  • All litter and trash must be cleaned and placed in receptacles
  • Skating, skateboarding, motorized scooters/vehicles, and biking activities are prohibited
  • Firearms regulated by State Statute. No illegal weapons, fireworks, or explosives are permitted

For other rules refer to Ordinance No. 08-17, § 7, 8-8-2008.

For questions regarding the Square, please contact Facilities Management & Real Estate Services.

Last Modified: 6/25/2024, 8:15:31 PM