This Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Library Director regarding the operation of the Tampa-Hillsborough Public Library, including future planning and policy developments


The membership of this Board shall be appointed by the BOCC and is comprised of 12 members. Composition is specified as follows:

  • District 1 - 3 members
  • District 2 - 3 members
  • District 3 - 3 members
  • District 4 - 3 members

Members should have some background/experience in business, law, government or other civic activity and have demonstrated leadership in the community.


Members shall serve three year terms.

Special requirements

  • Appointment to this board is contingent upon passing a criminal background check
  • Participation in an ad-hoc committee is required


Initially BOCC Resolution of June 24, 1964; BOCC entered into agreement with the City of Tampa. Reorganization: Interlocal Agreement between BOCC and City of Tampa, October 20, 1982. Superceded by Chapter 84-443, Laws of Florida, which establishes the Public Library System as a department of the County.


Monthly, 4th Thursday, 4 PM
Location varies.


Andrew Breidenbaugh, Director
Aracelis Chapman, Library Board Coordinator
Tampa-Hillsborough County Public Library
102 E. 7th Ave.
Tampa, FL 33602
Phone: (813) 273-3660

Last Modified: 11/21/2024, 5:31:59 PM
Public Library Board
Andrew Breidenbaugh or Aracelis Chapman
(813) 273-3660
Ms. Carmen Alvarez
District 1
6/7/2017 - 1/1/2027 *
Ms. Abigail StClair
District 1
6/5/2019 - 4/19/2026 *
Ms. Ami Marie Granger Welch
District 1 Member
9/1/2024 - 9/1/2027
Ms. Phyllis Alpert
District 2
6/19/2013 - 4/1/2027 *
Mr. Robert Argus
District 2
4/19/2023 - 4/19/2026 *
Ms. Mary Kate Downing
District 2
4/19/2023 - 4/1/2028 *
Mr. Curtis Brown
District 3
3/23/2022 - 3/1/2026 *
Ms. Elizabeth Hawley
District 3
4/19/2023 - 4/1/2027
Ms. Jessica Ocasio
District 3
3/23/2022 - 3/22/2025
Ms. Maggie Mardirosian
District 4
1/17/2024 - 6/30/2028 *
Ms. Alicia Guy
District 4
7/1/2023 - 6/1/2027
Mr. Michael Newett
District 4
6/5/2019 - 6/30/2026 *

* reappointed

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