This Council serves to support and facilitate a uniform historical marker program throughout the County
This includes the cities of Tampa, Plant City, and Temple Terrace as well as organizations and other agencies who request assistance. It also provides the BOCC with support that complements the goals of historical preservation and education in Hillsborough County.
- Hillsborough County Historical Marker Application - Fillable*
- Hillsborough County Historical Marker Application - Printable
The membership of this Council shall be comprised of seven members and one voting, ex-officio (County Historian) appointed as follows:
- Hillsborough County Commissioners - 4 members
- City of Tampa - 1 member
- City of Plant City - 1 member
- City of Temple Terrace - 1 member
- The County Historian is appointed by the BOCC after receiving nominations and recommendations from the Historical Advisory Council
- The BOCC or Council may appoint other ex-officio members, as appropriate or necessary, who shall be non-voting members
Members shall serve three year terms.
No member shall serve for more than two full consecutive terms. More than one half of a term is deemed to be service for a full term. A member who has served two full consecutive terms shall be eligible for reappointment after at least three years of non-membership.
Hillsborough County Ordinance 96-23.
Special requirements
All members shall possess expertise in significant and relevant historical matters. In making appointments, due consideration shall be given to achieving a demographic balance among the appointed.
Unless otherwise noted: Quarterly, 4 PM
Columbus Municipal Office Building,
3402W. Columbus Drive, Tampa, FL 33607
*Fillable forms may not work with many browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, etc.) - if you have issues with the form, do one of the following:
- Download the form to your computer and open it up with a PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader
- Download the printable version of the form, print it, and fill out by hand
* reappointed