The purpose of this Committee is to promote historic preservation, heritage tourism, and related economic development within Hillsborough County

This includes both incorporated and unincorporated areas.


The membership of this Committee shall be appointed by the BOCC and shall be comprised of nine members. Composition is specified as follows:

Nine members to include residents from the unincorporated area of Hillsborough County and at least one resident from each municipality.

  • Up to six Unincorporated Hillsborough County Residents
  • 1 City of Temple Terrace Resident
  • 1 City of Plant City Resident
  • 1 City of Tampa Resident

Members are to have experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Historic Preservation
  • Architecture
  • Heritage Tourism
  • Marketing and Economic Development
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Interior Design


Members shall serve two year terms. There is no limit to the number of terms a committee member may serve.


Approved by BOCC during December 7, 2011, BOCC Meeting. Item F-4, Regular Agenda. Amended August 16, 2017 BOCC Meeting, removing term limits.



Last Modified: 4/24/2024, 5:11:42 PM
Ms. Shelby Bender
City of Plant City Resident - Historic Preservation
2/22/2012 - 3/31/2026 *
Mr. Victor Crist
City of Tampa Resident - Historic Preservation
4/1/2022 - 3/31/2026 *
Mr. George Feshev
City of Tampa Resident - Historic Tourism
6/16/2021 - 6/30/2025 *
Mr. Jerel McCants
10/18/2023 - 10/18/2025
Mr. Michael Pruitt
Unincorporated HC Resident - Architecture
6/16/2021 - 6/30/2025 *
Ms. Vivian Salaga
City of Tampa Resident - Architecture
5/16/2018 - 3/31/2026 *
Professor E. Christian Wells
City of Temple Terrace Resident - Historic Preservation
1/9/2013 - 3/31/2026 *

* reappointed

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