This Council works in collaboration with community-based organizations to identify, address, and resolve health care issues of local concern
The Council collects and analyzes health care data, prepares special reports and publications, and educates the community about special health issues.
The membership of this Council shall be comprised of 12 members appointed as follows:
Hillsborough County Board of County Commissioners - 5 members
Polk County - 3 members
Manatee County - 2 members
Hardee County - 1 member
Highlands County - 1 member
Composition is specified as follows for the members appointed by the BOCC:
- 1 Consumer over the age of 60
- 1 Consumer under the age of 60
- 1 Purchaser - an individual or an authorized member of an organization or agency who is responsible for the purchase of health services for a group of 25 or more individuals either directly or through acquisition of health insurance coverage.
- 2 Providers
Members shall serve two year terms.
Chapter 408.033(1), Florida Statutes
2nd Thursday, every other month, 3:30 PM
This Council meets in rotating counties of the 5-county planning district.
Health Council of West Central Florida (HCWCFL)
Teresa Kelly - Meeting Manager
(813) 261-5022
Mr. Russell W. Patterson
Health Care Consumer over the age of 60
Ms. Remeka Rose
Health Care Consumer under the age of 60
Health Care Purchaser
Health Care Provider