Investigating consumer complaints with the goal of returning money, goods, or services to the citizens and visitors of Hillsborough County
Hillsborough County residents may have recently received a mailer or email about the Hillsborough County Surtax Settlement Program. Hillsborough County government is not involved in the program, and we are unable to answer any questions related to the program. Residents should visit the program's official website or call the number on the mailer (888) 715-9373 for information.
What we do
We offer services for consumer protection and Veterans and their families.
Consumer Protection
Consumer Protection Services investigates complaints from citizens and visitors to Hillsborough County regarding unfair or deceptive trade practices, theft, fraud, or lost wages. When investigations result in simple disputes and no violation of County code, mediation is offered to resolve complaints and provide superior customer service.
Our staff is skilled in dealing with these types of conflicts, but when other resources are required, we leverage partnerships to refer complaints for additional action or investigation at the local, state, or federal levels.
Consumer Protection also oversees lien settlements and Citizen Board Support, ensuring residents' due process by preparing and sending legal notices of hearings for code violations.
Overall, the benefit offered to our citizens and taxpayers involves receiving assistance that often results in a tangible and positive experience that promotes overall public trust in our organization and the County.
Services we offer
- Find Consumer Protection Offices
- Wage recovery
- Consumer Protection Education Programs
- Search Consumer Complaints
- File a complaint
- Citizen Boards Support
Veterans Services
Hillsborough County’s Veterans Services assists Veterans, their dependents, and survivors in accessing federal, state, and local benefits.
Staff also supports and manages Veterans activities in the County, including events at Veterans Memorial Park and Museum.
The department acts as a single point of contact for military members and their families seeking assistance with outside agencies, and there is never a fee to receive services or visit with any of our qualified Veterans Service Officers. Staff also provides outreach and support to Veterans in assisted-living facilities and nursing homes.
Services we offer
American Flag Retirement
Residents wishing to properly dispose of worn American flags may drop off items for retirement during regular business hours, 8 AM to 4:30 PM Monday - Friday, at the following locations:
- Veteran Resource Center on the grounds of Veterans Memorial Park, 3602 U.S. 301 N., building #3610 in Tampa
- On the first floor lobby of County Center, 600 E. Kennedy Blvd. in downtown Tampa